Friday, 26 October 2007

No Wonder We Won The Cold War

I think I've actually fixed something.

I tried to put a roll of film into my new Kiev and the blighter wouldn't go in. Well, it would, but only if you lost some skin and perhaps a fingernail or two. So, after cursing the filthy Russkies for being up to their old tricks, I looked to see what the problem was. The beast of a camera has obviously been taken apart, or damaged, as it's been put together again. One little disc had been put in upside-down, which meant it stuck out too much, preventing the film spool from rotating properly. So, WITHOUT THE USE OF A CORRECT SCREWDRIVER, I took out the tiny screw holding it, flipped it over and, again, WITHOUT THE USE OF A CORRECT SCREWDRIVER, put it back in.

The camera now has a roll of film in it.

God, I'm so manly.

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