Friday, 26 October 2007

Kiev, Chicken.

My Kiev 6C arrived today. I was a bit scared it would never turn up, as the eBay description was rather brief, and the seller became un-registered as soon as my payment had gone through.

It does, however, seem to work fine, although I've yet to stick a roll through it. I'll do that later today. I've no idea how the TTL thing on top works, but I'll be using my DSLR to get exposures anyhow.

I was pleasantly surprised (although I think it was in the eBay listing) to find it came with a charming leather case.

This case smells gorgeous! It smells exactly like the case my dad used to keep his old camera in, and is exactly the same colour! Nostaliga!

I wonder if my dad was ever in the Russian army...

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